Help Us Succeed! |
This is the "PRESERVE" part of your heritage ... don't let this opportunity to honor your Scottish and American legacy remain unexplored! |
Become a Donor... |
Please realize, every donation received, large or small, is needed and very appreciated: All donations are recorded, and applied directly to the facility and resources of the Scottish American Center. No individuals profit from your donations.
Become a Volunteer... |
The gift of your expertise and personal time is also appreciated. Without people, there is no 'organization'. Nearly limitless opportunities are available to join our team. We need: people to design displays, construction folks to breathe life into the designs, those whose specialty is maintaining or revising earlier work, online and offline communications staff, promotions and advertising individuals, fund-raising people, financial and legal advisors, and lots more. If you have the skills, talent, or interests, chances are we need you on our team! Send us an email at , or pick up the phone and call us at (612) 756-8885 and we'll get you connected. Become an official "Plankholder" of the Scottish American Center today! |
Minnesota Scots Badge and Lapel Pin |
The St. Andrews Society of Minnesota makes the Solid Pewter "Minnesota Scots Badge" & "Lapel Pin" available to the Scottish Community, to rally Scottish Minnesotans, and to benefit The Scottish American Center in Minneapolis, MN. Badges & Lapel Pins are available to individuals at retail, and organizations at wholesale, through the St. Andrews Society of Minnesota. Please contact Neil Johnson for wholesale (organizations) and retail (individuals) pricing. |